Personal Injury Lawyer Pensacola Florida

Awards and Recognition

Persistent Pensacola Personal Injury Lawyer Takes On Insurance Giants

Have you been injured in Pensacola, Florida? Are you struggling to recover what you need after an accident in Florida? Levin Litigation, PLLC is here to here to help!

The bitter truth about insurance companies is that they rarely serve the best interests of their clients. They are all too happy to take an increasingly large amount of our hard-earned money, but when it comes to getting money out of them, out come the delays, limits, and roadblocks.

When Pensacola, Florida, residents are injured in car crashes or other accidents, they can call on the persistent personal injury attorneys of Levin Litigation, PLLC, for patient, compassionate, and relentless representation. Created with the explicit purpose of helping ordinary everyday Floridians go up against insurance companies, Levin Litigation is the personal law firm you need when injured and seeking compensation.

Unfortunately, without dedicated and experienced personal injury attorneys on your side, your hope of obtaining fair and full compensation after an injury is virtually non-existent. This is because in Pensacola, like everywhere else in Florida and the US, insurance companies hold all the power unless we fight to reclaim it.

When Do You Need A Personal Injury Attorney To Help Fight An Insurance Company?

Whether you have been hurt in a car accident, injured when you fell down, or were the victim of a defective product or negligent landlord, the only way to cover costs is to claim them through the personal injury process.

In theory, this is where insurance companies swoop in to cover medical bills, time lost from work, and future costs and reimburse you for your pain and suffering. It is, after all, what they have been paid over months and years to do, just in case of such an eventuality.

In practice, however, this is where they become hard to reach, reluctant to pay, or tight with the purse strings. And when you need a personal injury settlement lawyer to help get that much-needed compensation.

How Do Insurance Companies Get Away With Paying You Less Than You Deserve?

There are, unfortunately, as many tactics and strategies for paying you less as there are insurance adjusters and claims experts. Their entire profit structure relies on paying out less than they receive, which means finding ways to give accident victims like you less than what you need and certainly less than what you deserve.

To do so, they focus on three Ds.

The Devil Is In The Details

Insurance companies will narrow their focus to a single individual or set of details in the circumstances. Anything that can let them refuse your payment or lower it.


For example, they might point out a broken taillight on your car and attribute you some of the blame for being rear-ended or note that you had a car accident five years earlier and blame that for your neck injury after a fall.

They find and focus on anything to blame the victim, reduce their own liability, or contest the causal connection between the negligent behavior and the injury. Sometimes, they will even hire investigators to follow you, watch you like a hawk (including on social media) and find the one time you do something against your doctor’s orders to undermine your claim of injury.

They rely on your ignorance of the rules and details to do so, which is why you need a personal injury lawyer to fight back effectively. You deserve someone who understands the details as well as they do and knows how to use them to your advantage.

Diminish And Delay

Even when you have done everything correctly and all the details line up, Pensacola residents keep coming forward with stories about delays or offers well below what they have requested from insurance companies. This is their second tactic. After all, they are not the ones in a hurry who need the money. So, they drag their heels or offer less than the maximum. All this in the hopes you will accept what you can get rather than wait or fight for what you should get, which feeds in perfectly into the third prong of this strategy.

Take Advantage Of Desperation

If you are recovering from a serious accident in Pensacola, Florida, chances are your financial situation is dire. You might have had to pay considerable medical expenses out of pocket (thank you medical insurance deductibles!), be dealing with ongoing treatment expenses, the cost of vehicle repairs after an automobile crash, or simply the lack of income due to a temporary or permanent disability from the injury.

Insurance companies are well aware of this and are more than happy to take advantage of your desperation. They will offer “simple” or no-questions-asked packages that are well below what you could get out of a personal injury claim in the hope that your need will be too great and you will accept right away.

This is the most dastardly tactic of all because they are literally preying on a weakness they created to get greater profits. The truth is, though, that it is a sign of their own desperation. If they are offering a low settlement, it is often specifically to avoid you going for a larger payout with the help of a competent personal injury attorney.

Do not fall for these tactics, and do not let them get away with it; contact our team of personal injury and motor vehicle accident attorneys today!

Stand Up For Your Rights And Compensation Today

Levin Litigation, PLLC | Persistent Pensacola Personal Injury Attorneys

Are you struggling with an insurance company in Florida? Have you been injured in an accident in Pensacola and are desperate for the compensation you need and deserve?

Let Levin Litigation, PLLC, step in and go toe to toe with the insurance companies so they don’t walk all over you. We are motivated by compassion for your situation and persistence in our struggle against insurance company injustice.

The sooner you call (954) 678-5155, the sooner we can undermine their strategies and put together a strong claim for compensation.

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If you are seeking the assistance of a qualified legal representation, look no further than Levin Litigation, PLLC. We are pleased to offer our services to individuals residing in Hollywood, Miami, Broward, Boca Raton, Palm Beach, Tampa, Jacksonville, and the rest of Florida. Get started with an initial consultation by contacting our firm today.
To learn more about our team and our services, call us at (954) 678-5155. We look forward to helping you!