In this article, you will learn…
Truck Accident Lawyer Hollywood knows that the most common cause of commercial vehicle or trucking accidents across Florida is human error.
Things that would fall into the category of human error could be…
Some of the severe injuries that result from accidents with large semi-trucks or other large commercial vehicles are…
In the state of Florida, all motor vehicles are considered dangerous instruments that are capable of causing great bodily injury or death.
Liability for serious injuries sustained in a trucking accident in Florida will be determined by how the truck is owned and how the truck driver is employed. Either the driver or their employer is going to be found liable. Levin Litigation, PLLC emphasizes this critical aspect in this line.
It’s very important that you contact a personal injury attorney who has experience with trucking cases in the state of Florida because we’re able to obtain that information and determine who would be liable for those injuries that you sustained.
The worth of your Florida trucking accident injury case will depend on many factors, such as…
Each and every single case is completely different, so a personal injury attorney with experience in trucking cases across Florida will be able to help you with recovering your damages.
The types of damages you might be able to recover for your severe trucking accident injury case are determined based on what you’ve sustained. Some factors could include…
‘Inconvenience’ might not sound like a big deal, but when you think about the amount of time that it requires to undergo surgeries, the recovery, and having to leave home to go to multiple doctor’s appointments to follow your treatment plan, it adds up.
What it adds up to is a lot of time away from your family and your career. It robs you of a quality of life. So, ‘inconvenience’ does actually have a monetary value and that’s really the only way that we can, in the jurisprudence, really figure out a way to reimburse people for those damages.
There are experts in the state of Florida that a good personal injury attorney will be able to contact to calculate statistical analysis to help determine the amount of money that would be required to compensate you for your damages. They’re able to use an actual numerical formula to help come up with an amount of future damages.
You need to retain legal representation from an experienced trucking accident attorney immediately following your truck accident in Florida because each and every case is different. There are quite a few regulations, especially with trucking accidents that an experienced attorney will know and be able to determine what needs to be done.
If you end up with an attorney who doesn’t have any experience with trucking cases, they might not know…
With the guidance of a skilled attorney for Trucking Accident Cases, you can have the peace of mind that comes with knowing that we’ll make it look easy. Trust our Truck Accident Lawyer Hollywood to navigate the complexities of your case with expertise and dedication.
For more information on Car Accident Cases in Florida, an initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (954) 678-5155 today.
If you are seeking the assistance of a qualified legal representation, look no further than Levin Litigation, PLLC. We are pleased to offer our services to individuals residing in Hollywood, Miami, Broward, Boca Raton, Palm Beach, Tampa, Jacksonville, and the rest of Florida. Get started with an initial consultation by contacting our firm today.
To learn more about our team and our services, call us at (954) 678-5155. We look forward to helping you!